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DPR review of S5II and S5IIx coming soon

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I didn't know about that before, how did I miss that until now? Z04 Breakdance.gif
I didn't know about that before, how did I miss that until now? Z04 Breakdance.gif
Xenforo is the crème de la crème of forum software in my view. vBulletin gets close, but DPR (IIRC) is a bunch of custom code originally written by Phil Askey (or someone hired by him) specifically for DPReview. I’ve no idea if there’s any active development or support for it following the Amazon sale, but my suspicion is that there’s little or none. I can’t see it standing the test of time.
Just did a search on DPReview history to confirm my view above about custom code, and found this. It’s worth a read:

I didn't know about that before, how did I miss that until now? Z04 Breakdance.gif

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