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Historic Hartley Village


and stopped briefly at the historic village of Hartley
I like the shot of Corney's Garage. The little sign off to the lower left "A MOMENT IN TIME". That is for sure.
and stopped briefly at the historic village of Hartley
When I see a bit of historic Australia I'm reminded of Slim Dusty song, "We've Done us Proud". Somehow that garage picture brought a tear.
I like the shot of Corney's Garage. The little sign off to the lower left "A MOMENT IN TIME". That is for sure.
Thanks Charles. Yes, I do love an old garage. This one was all locked up. I would have loved to see some old equipment and fuel pumps.
When I see a bit of historic Australia I'm reminded of Slim Dusty song, "We've Done us Proud". Somehow that garage picture brought a tear.
Now that's a song I've not hear - just YouTubed it. Slim is a classic!
All very nice images Pete. I love the wide crop of the courthouse - suits it very well.
Thanks Paul. That 65x24 crop is fun to use. I've been taking inspiration from your photos.