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Quick comparison between Lumix 14-28 f4-5.6 and Sigma 16-28 f2.8

I don't know which I like more... the 14mm looks stretched, like an oval, and I like the ring with the sculptures, on the other hand, the 28mm looks defintly rounder but only has a tiny bit of the sculptures, yet much more centre detail. Think I would like a 20mm version :cool:
I don't know which I like more... the 14mm looks stretched, like an oval, and I like the ring with the sculptures, on the other hand, the 28mm looks defintly rounder but only has a tiny bit of the sculptures, yet much more centre detail. Think I would like a 20mm version :cool:
not really... it was me who was not in the centre :)
after that I changed the position, 14mm:

more on 14-28: