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thing you like or found very different on your Lumix camera?

Thanks Richard, heading over to watch it now!
Finally finished and published this video.
Thanks for that Richard, really well done. The tip at the end for the shortcut to setting up the custom buttons is something I did not know (and I thought I knew most of the Lumix tricks.)

I have been meaning to start a thread on customizing the S5II (and S and G Lumix), and especially the Quick button settings. This is to post some settings, and encourage others to post their settings so we all learn from each other.
Thanks for that Richard, really well done. The tip at the end for the shortcut to setting up the custom buttons is something I did not know (and I thought I knew most of the Lumix tricks.)

I have been meaning to start a thread on customizing the S5II (and S and G Lumix), and especially the Quick button settings. This is to post some settings, and encourage others to post their settings so we all learn from each other.

That feature is so handy and yes surprisingly a lot of Lumix users don't know.
To be honest, a lot of those tips also took me many years to figure out and I have been using Lumix cameras since GF1!
And I didn't know we can customise the Q menu until very recently when Andrew from Panasonic NZ show me that, i was like :eek:
I am glad this was in your video because I was unaware of this one too! I had found mode 2 some time back but didn't know I could customise it.